33 Houston Donate Kitchen Cabinets

How to Organize Kitchen Cabinets

Since kitchen cabinets remain closed, they easily fall into the “out of sight, out of mind” realm.

The daily chores provide enough work to keep us busy, but the extra effort and time to organize your kitchen cabinets can really pay off. Make your cabinet cleaning an open-and-shut case with this advice.

Empty your cabinets

Have some laundry baskets and plenty of counter space available. Working from one end of your kitchen to another, start emptying out your cupboards. If you have a large kitchen with several cabinets, split this task into sections.

Many of us have that black hole beyond what the eye can see, and you may find that long-lost holiday platter or some canned goods that you just don’t need.

Organize your cabinet contents

Put everything you take from the cabinets into keep, donate and rehome piles.
While you are cleaning out items from inside the cupboards, start to visualize where you want to put things back. In many cases when we move into a home or remodel the kitchen, we are in a hurry to unpack and don’t think through where we are putting our kitchen essentials.

For seasonal or less-commonly used items, opt for the cupboards that are more difficult to access. Keep the items you use regularly in a spot that is easy to reach.

Donate nonperishables

Check the expiration dates on your nonperishable food items and decide what you want to keep or toss. Local organizations in every community are in dire need of food donations, especially around the holidays. Donate whatever you don’t see yourself using in the future. Don’t forget to clean out your spice cabinet, which can get messy fast.

Repair and clean the kitchen cabinets

Now that your kitchen is packed and your cupboards are empty, take a quick look for any cracks or openings that could allow pests and other pesky critters access. Use caulk or another type of sealant to fix any access points. Check out your handles and hinges, and tighten screws as needed.

After any sealant you used has dried, clean those cupboards. Use the recommended products for your specific type of cabinet. Don’t forget the insides of doors. Add liners. Last but not least, follow your organization plan and put the items back into the cabinets.

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