26 Growing Zucchini on a Trellis


  • Start by inserting 6 foot metal or wooden stakes into the ground where you plan to grow your zucchini.
  • Insert them about 1 foot deep into the soil.
  • Drive a second stake that's no more than 6 feet away from the first post.
  • Make sure to position the trellis in such a way that it won't block the sunlight.
  • Staple, wire, or nail chicken wire to the stakes. Do this every few inches and make sure there is no slack. This will ensure the vines can climb up and hold on sturdily.
  • In front of the trellis, dig a hole for the zucchini plants. Place the plants or seeds into the hole and cover back up with soil.
  • Water the newly planted zucchini and space each zucchini plant at least 2 feet apart along the trellis.
  • Once the vines have grown and can reach the trellis, help them along by attaching the vines to the trellis.
  • Tie the vines very loosely with a piece of fabric to encourage climbing.
  • You may need to move the vines through the chicken wire every 2-3 days to encourage climbing.
  • Eventually, your zucchini plant will know what to do and climb all the way to the top!
  • Care for your zucchini plant the same way you would if it were grown on the ground.
  • In 40-50 days, you should have zucchini ready for harvest!


Zucchinis LOVE the sun, so make sure to plant them in a spot where they get at least 8-10 hours of sunlight. It may be hard to find such a spot at first, but once you do, your zucchini will grow extremely fast!

In order for zucchini to grow big and healthy, they need their own space! Plant your zucchinis in such a way as to leave 3-4″ of space in between each zucchini plant. This will allow them to grow and also for air to circulate properly.

Feed your zucchini fertilizer once a month to make sure they grow big and healthy. Zucchinis love to feed, so it's crucial that you give them a good fertilizer, especially during the summer months.

To help retain water, add mulch around an established plant. Not only will this keep weeds away, but it will also add and retain much needed moisture. Additionally, you should also plant your zucchini in well drained soil.

harvesting zucchini
Source: Gardeningknowhow

Because zucchinis love water, make sure to water your plants at least 2 times a week, but only at the base. During the hot summer months, make sure to check the soil more frequently.

#6. PH
Your soil should always have a pH of 6-7. This will ensure healthy plants all season long and will also make sure that your plants aren't diseased.

Squash bugs are a thing and they can easily endanger the health of your plant! You can tell if there are squash vine borers if the leaves have pale to brown blotches on them! You can avoid them by planting your zucchini plants in mid-July. Squash vine borers will hide out in the zucchini plant in the winter and emerge in late June. Planting your squash later in the summer will ensure that no bugs make their home there! Another way to prevent them is by wrapping the base of the plant with foil. The foil will prevent them from boring through the plant. Blossom end rot can also occur when there is a calcium deficiency in the plant. Use lime or gypsum to balance the soil's pH.

It's best to harvest your zucchini plants while they are still small, about 3-4 inches across and 5-6 inches long. Additionally, you can also do succession planting. This will give you a long and continuous supply of zucchini, especially because their growing season is so short. Most zucchini varieties are ready for harvest within 40 to 60 days.

Use a sharp knife to sever the zucchini from the stem. This will protect breakage. Never try to break the zucchini stem off as this could severely hurt the plant.

All of these 10 tips also apply to any type of squash! Because zucchini IS a squash and they are all very similar, the same properties apply to all! Use these 10 tips for growing zucchini and you'll have a beautiful, healthy harvest in no time! Enjoy those zucchini noodles!

Trellis Gardening. 4 Things You Can Grow On A Trellis. Cucumbers, Beans, Melons, and Squash - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j54CLtNQ0k4

Trellising Options for Cucumbers, Beans, Zucchini, Squash & Melons: Grow Vertically & Save Space! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TQs25uQ1mg

How To Grow Zucchini Vertically - Save Space & Increase Yields in 5 Simple Steps - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-aRlLlDhhY

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